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Cape Fixed Income Fund – Cape Capital SICAV-UCITS

Strategic Credit Duration: Medium Term
Strategic Rate Duration: Short – Medium Term
Underlying Issuer Ratings: 100% IG
Capital Structure Risks: 50 - 100%

The Fund has a net target return of EURIBOR+250bps p.a. over a credit cycle and offers daily liquidity. The Fund invests in bonds and credit derivatives with a focus on investment grade companies. All FX exposure is fully hedged. ESG considerations are integrated into the investment process.

Triangle shapes


Fund Information
Current AUM EUR 457MM
ISIN LU1200252952
Bloomberg CSCFCHI LX Equity
Fund Inception 5 01 June 2015
Minimum Investment EUR 5,000
Available Currency EUR / CHF / USD / GBP
Redemption Daily by 3pm C.E.T
Fund Details
Management Fee 0.50 % p.a
Share Class Institutional B CHF Accumulating
Fund Domicile Luxembourg
Mgmt Company MultiConcept Fund Management
Central Administration Credit Suisse Fund Services
Auditor PwC (Luxembourg)
Legal Advisor Arendt & Medernach
Depositary Bank Credit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

1. Share class Institutional B CHF, monthly NAV performance net of fees since fund inception 01 June 2015, May 2015 indexed to 100.
2. Annualized standard deviation using monthly return since inception.
3. Risk free return is calculated as the annualized return of CHF LIBOR 3 month since the inception of the Fund.
4. The weight split between senior and subordinated securities within the portfolio, weight is calculated based on nominal exposure.
5. Fund inception in June 2015 as Cape Capital SICAV-SIF. Converted to Cape Capital SICAV-UCITS in July 2017.


Fund Statistics
Interest Rate Duration (years) 3.40
Credit Duration (years) 3.80
Max Drawdown (%, since inception) -10.82
Return (%, annualized since inception) 1.31
Spread to EURIBOR 3M (bp) 205
Volatility (%, annualized)2 4.43
Sharpe ratio 0.21
Risk free rate3 0.39
Senior/subordinated securities split4 56% / 44%

All allocation is calculated based on notional exposure.
FX exposure refers to the currency denomination of the security before hedging. All FX exposure is fully hedged in the portfolio.
Rating distribution, FX exposure and Geographic allocation are calculated excluding cash equivalents and tail hedges.
Rating refers to security not issuer rating, rating is based on data from S&P, Moody's and Fitch.


Prospectus Factsheet CHF Factsheet EUR Factsheet GBP Factsheet USD Infosheet Subscription Form Regulatory KIID Institutional B CHF Regulatory KIID Institutional B EUR Regulatory KIID Institutional B GBP Regulatory KIID Institutional B USD Regulatory KIID Retail A CHF Regulatory KIID Retail A EUR

Share class information

Share Class Bloomberg ISIN Inception Fee P.a. (%) Current NAV
Inst. B EUR Acc. CSCFEUI LX Equity LU1200252796 09/06/2015 0.50 112.56
Inst. B CHF Acc. CSCFCHI LX Equity LU1200252952 08/06/2015 0.50 105.18
Inst. B USD Acc. CSCFUSI LX Equity LU1200253257 05/01/2016 0.50 131.97
Inst. B GBP Acc. CSCFIBG LX Equity LU1200253414 27/09/2017 0.50 110.91
Inst. B CHF Dist. CSCFIBC LX Equity LU1860542452 23/11/2018 0.50 93.69
Retail A CHF Acc. CSCFRAC LX Equity LU1635380592 22/09/2017 0.80 95.51
Retail A EUR Acc. CSCFRAE LX Equity LU1635380246 22/09/2017 0.80 100.37


The Fund is a sub-fund of Cape Capital SICAV-UCITS, an umbrella fund regulated pursuant to part I of the Luxembourg law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investments (“Law of 17 December 2010”) transposing Directive 2009/65/EC of the Capital European Parliament and the Capital Council of 13 July 2009 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferrable securities and authorized by the Luxembourg Supervisory Commission of the Financial Sector (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – CSSF). This is an advertising document. Cape Capital SICAV-UCITS (the “Fund”) is domiciled in Luxembourg. In Switzerland, the representative of the Fund is ACOLIN Fund Services AG, Leutschenbachstrasse 50, CH-8050 Zurich, whilst the paying agent is Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd., Paradeplatz 8, CH-8001 Zurich. The prospectus, the key information documents or the key investor information documents, the articles of association as well as the annual and semi-annual reports of the Fund may be obtained free of charge from the Swiss representative ACOLIN Fund Services AG. Please note that past performance is no indication of current or future performance. The performance data do not take account of the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of units of the Fund.

Cape Capital AG is an independent asset management firm based in Zurich, Switzerland, and is regulated by FINMA ( For eligible investors only. This fact sheet is no legally mandatory document but for information and promotional purposes only.

This confidential presentation and the information set out herein (the «Presentation») is summary in nature only and is qualified in its entirety by the information set out in the offering document or other formal disclosure document (the “Disclosure Document”) relating to the potential opportunity described herein. The prospectus, annual financial statements, KIIDs, and legal documents can be obtained from the representative in Switzerland. FOR INVESTORS IN GERMANY: The information agent in Germany is ACOLIN Europe GmbH, with registered office at Reichenaustraße 11a-c, 78467 Konstanz. The basic documents of the Fund, including the prospectus (in English) and the KIID (in German) may be obtained free of charge at the registered office of the German Information Agent. FOR INVESTORS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM: The Fund and certain of its Sub-Funds are recognised in accordance with Section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. UK investors should read the Appendix for UK investors in conjunction with the Fund's Prospectus which are available from the Facilities Agent. The Prospectus of the Fund and the KIIDs can be obtained on FOR INVESTORS IN SPAIN: The Prospectus of the Fund and the KIIDs can be obtained on

The information provided is not intended to be used by any person or entity in any country or jurisdiction where the provision of information and subsequent potential commercialisation would be illegal. The Presentation does not constitute an offer for sale in the United States of America. The information provided by this Presentation is not intended for U.S. persons. The fund shares described in this Presentation may not be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. persons or for the account for the benefit of a U.S. person.

This Presentation has been provided to the recipient by Cape Capital AG as portfolio manager (the “Portfolio Manager”) of Cape Capital SICAVUCITS for informational purposes for the personal use and is only intended to assist eligible investors in deciding whether they wish to consider reviewing the Disclosure Document. This Presentation is meant for use in one-on-one presentations with eligible investors. However, the contents of this Presentation are not to be construed as investment, legal or tax advice or recommendation and do not consider the particular circumstances specific to any individual recipient to whom this presentation has been delivered. The recipient should make its own appraisal and should obtain advice from appropriate qualified experts. This Presentation is furnished on a strictly confidential basis to eligible investors. None of the information contained herein may be reproduced or passed to any person or used for any purpose other than the purpose of considering the potential opportunity described in the Presentation.

Any opinions, forecasts, projects or other statements, other than statements of historical facts that are made in this Presentation are forward-looking statements. Although the Portfolio Manager believes that expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, the Portfolio Manager does not make any express or implied representation or warranty, and no responsibility is accepted with respect to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the facts, opinions, estimates, forecasts or other information set out in this Presentation or any further information, written or oral notice, or other document at any time supplied in connection with this Presentation, and nothing contained herein or in the Disclosure Document shall be relied upon as a promise or representation regarding any future events or performance. Past returns are no guarantee for future returns.

The recipient’s attention is specifically drawn to the risk factors identified by Cape Capital SICAV-UCITS’s investment fund manager and Portfolio Manager as set out in the Disclosure Document. The Portfolio Manager also advises that the potential investments described herein are speculative, involve a degree of risk and there is no guarantee of performance or a return of any capital with respect to any investment. By accepting delivery of this Presentation, the recipient accepts the terms of this notice and agrees, upon request, to return all materials received by the recipient from the Portfolio Manager, including this Presentation without retaining any copies thereof. This Presentation, layout, copyright materials and trademarks featured in the Presentation may not be used or copied or otherwise reproduced by any unauthorized third party

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